Monday, January 21, 2013

A new year :)

Hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We enjoyed our time here with the girls and our staff and our little family. 

What a JOY it is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!

It was such a nice break for the girls and we had lots of fun, and were ready for school to start back up after the first of the year! 

The girls were spoiled with more baby doll accessories and dresses! Even two little doll strollers! The older girls love to try and put our younger girls in the strollers sometimes too. 

We had a big staff party and some of their family came too. 
We also had the neighbor girls over and were able to bless them with gifts as well! 

It was a great Christmas in Haiti!!

CFM has made a very exciting but yet very emotional decision to adopt the girls out. 

We are so happy for the girls that they each will soon have the gift of a family. 

After much, much prayer and fasting this decision to adopt the girls out was made. 

Knowing that what we truly want for each of them is to know they are loved and to have a place to call their home and a family to love and care for them. 

Though each of the girls are so loved and cared for very well, we know as they get older having a mother and father that are there for them and love and guide them and share Jesus with them is our hope and prayer for them. 

We are trusting God and prayerfully moving in this direction. 

We would appreciate your continued prayers for the girls as the next couple years will have some big changes for them, moving with a new family, a new bed, new brothers or sisters, new parents, new schools, new places, a new country....

We pray that during this process the girls would continue to know they are loved and cared for and that their Father in Heaven would be their comforter, their all in all. 

We trust God that this is HIS will for them and this is going to be a happy time for them and they will know they are loved and wanted. 

Please also lift up our board for their continued decision making and Eric and I as we seek out the best way to go about the process of adoption and especially we ask that you begin to pray for the families God has chosen for the girls. 

Thankfully I am reminded today that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Hebrews 13:8

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