Friday, August 9, 2013

Life in the fast lane..

Hard to believe our time in Haiti has come and gone and we are already back into the swing of life in Ohio.  I ask you to continue to pray with us for the girls we placed back in family, praying for their lives in Haiti.

We miss our friends and life in Haiti. There is a lot I am thankful to not be dealing with on a daily basis, like bugs, heat, generators... but we are content at where God has us for now.

Our baby girl is rapidly growing (still inside the womb) ETA the 25th of September.

Cohen and Conrad have been enjoying themselves these last two months spending all their time and energy playing outside with friends and cousins. I finally got Cohen to get rid of his nuk (binky, pacifier) and we are in the potty training process..(NOT FUN) Conrad I think knows something is up - I feel so guilty at times that he is going to have a hard time when the baby comes but him and Cohen are playing together and getting into more and more trouble so hopefully it will not be too hard for him.

Eric has dove right back into working and just this past week started at the church as well. He is so happy to be working in the church and can't hardly wait to start seminary school in the fall.

As a now stay at home mom (before moving to Haiti I worked full time)  I think I am trying to find my place and my role of course first and most important I am a mother and wife and so thankful to be both! I am in constant prayer trying to figure out how I will ever have three children (three, 3 years and under )  but I know as long as I continue to put my hope and trust in the Lord and commit each day to Him that I will not fail. I know there will probably be days I feel like a failure or just really tired. But just as God was with us in our hardest days and weeks in Haiti He is with me daily as I strive to be the mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend here in little Hartville, Ohio.

I have never been a coffee drinker I don't at all care for the taste but just the other day had some with lots of french vanilla creamer and thought I could drink this... I informed Eric I may start drinking coffee -or maybe just creamer ;) - once I have three children running around.

I hope to keep up with my blog and share what happens with us I don't know how good I will be or how exciting these posts will get. With just the boys right now they still nap for me a couple hours a day at the same time :) there are days they wont nap or they put up a fight, when they are up I am up right next to them making sure they stay out of trouble so I will do my best and keep praying for the time to allow me to blog.  I hope to be an encouragement at times or just a realization that your not alone in life and parenting or being a perfect wife can be hard, but it is certainly not impossible and we can only Look to Jesus our perfect example. Giving all the Glory to my creator, father, Lord and Savior-  Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 20:24 NLT
"The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?"